Getting a good deal on wholesale lumber has become a lot easier said than done, so here are some good questions to keep in mind for this type of shopping

Business leaders everywhere have seen the extreme fluctuations in lumber prices over the past 18 months or so, which is why a lot of businesses are going directly to wholesale lumber outlets for their needs. It makes sense that you’ll want high-quality products at competitive prices, and especially for a product as useful as lumber.
The Pallet Guys have been working with wholesale lumber providers for many years, so we know exactly what businesses today should be on the lookout for when they’re trying to develop these types of partnerships.
The following are 8 questions that you should keep in mind when you’re looking for wholesale lumber!
1. What Specific Wood Species Do You Sell?
This is always an important question to ask when you’re speaking with a lumber supplier, because you’ll want to ensure that they sell the type of wood that your customers want. You’re also going to want to ensure that they sell wood in the correct thickness for your specific needs.
Most suppliers will be able to take special orders if you need a unique species, but it’s always a good idea to know what they usually have on hand. Lumber suppliers also generally have other products as well that could be useful for you, like oils and stains.
2. Do You Sell Any Specialty Products?
Businesses are constantly looking for specialty lumber for all sorts of different construction projects, and a common example of this would be flame-retardant lumber that meets building codes. There are many products out there like Microguard and PyroGuard that provide safety benefits for wood-oriented projects.
So it’s important to know what a wholesale lumber outlet provides in terms of these specialty products, because it can end up saving you and your business a lot of time and hassles!
3. Do You Require A Minimum Order?
Some lumber suppliers will require you to order a minimum amount from them, but not all of them do this business practice.
It’s always a good idea to simply know this type of information beforehand so you’ll better understand if your supplier is meeting your unique needs. You should also ask about average turnaround times for the types of orders you’ll generally need.
4. Where Do You Source Your Lumber From?
All reputable wholesale lumber outlets will be more than happy to let you know the details of where their lumber comes from. Knowing this type of information is always valuable, because you can many times get a better deal when your wholesale supplier works directly with the source as opposed to working through a middleman.
This question will also give you a better idea as to the overall legalities and ethics of how they harvest and import their lumber supplies. Be sure to ask them about how they ensure they’re working with a reputable mill, and how often they inspect their inventory.
5. Do You Sustainably Source Your Lumber?
If your business helps eco-conscious or green projects, then you’ll want to ensure that you’re working with a wholesale lumber provider that sustainably grows and harvests their supply.
Customers of all types are increasingly looking for eco-conscious products, so working with a sustainable lumber source will be a very good marketing initiative for your company’s branding!
6. Do You Deliver?
It’s understandable how your business may not have the resources to transport your lumber from Point A to Point B, which is why you’ll need a lumber outlet that can deliver to your site.
Be sure to ask your prospective wholesale lumber outlet about their delivery area, pricing and how frequently they’ll be able to deliver to you.
7. How Long Have You Been In The Wholesale Lumber Industry?
It’s important to not discredit newcomers to the wholesale lumber industry, but veteran companies who have stood the test of time do provide an increased value in terms of reliability.
Established lumber suppliers will have experts on staff to guide you through their inventory and let you know which solutions may work best for your unique needs.
8. Do You Have Specific Payment Terms?
Each lumber wholesaler will set their own unique payment terms, so always be sure to come to an up-front agreement that works for you.
Reach Out To The Pallet Guys To Learn More About How We Can Support You With Wholesale Lumber Connections & High-Quality Pallets!
The Pallet Guys have worked with some of the nation’s top wholesale lumber companies over our many years of experience, so we know very well how other businesses can benefit from specific types of partnerships and contractual agreements.
Our new wood pallets and crates are some of the best in the USA because of our experienced specialists and lumber providers, and we’ll be happy to help you and your company’s specific needs.
Contact us online or call us at 832-895-7555 to get in touch with our team today!